My work
I was planning to write today about other postponed issues that I was planning to write several days ago ,but since I am feeling a little blue today I decided to tell you the details of my new job.
The company where I work is originally specialized in the Construction & Contracts field ,it's based here in Alexandria with some business to be run from the U.S where the Egyptian American owner lives there and spends some time in Alexandria regulary during the year ,but I am not working on these activities field ,I work in a sub project which the company is executing as a new business field ,we ae developing a Website dedicated to financial services & consulting ,most of the services we offer is aimed towards the American market since a big portion of our services is related to the Stock Markets in the U.S and aims to give investors more insight about what's going on and helping them to take the right investing decisions ,one of the many services offered on the Website is the Live News service ,we are continuously updating the web site with the latest news received from different sources ,both official sources and insider ones ,my Job title is Website assistant Manager & at the same time I am Head of the news department ,meaning that I have to supervise both of the news flowing ,editing ,publishing and the Website's operations in general ,there's no Websecurity Admin or something like that yet ,they didn't think about that yet and they depend on the fact that the Website is not hosted on our servers so they leave the security sides to the hosting company ,but I am voluntarily overlooking all the LAN/Website security issues.
I am enjoying this job ,this sub business is relatively new to the company and their hierarchy is still not 100% detailed or clear ,a lot of people comes and go and there's still other departments to be formed soon to relive some duties from the current staff ,I only have one problem with my job ,which is the Working hours ,I work twelve hours per day ,this in itself maybe not a big problem in other cases but in my case it maybe ,the working hours is from 12 PM-12 AM every day ,Monday to Friday ,Saturday from 11 AM-6 PM and Sunday is OFF ,you may wonder why is this strange schedule but as I told you we are related to the working days of the American Stock Market.
I had a very hard time since I joined the company to get used to that ,my problem is not in the 12 hours durartion itself ,my bigger problem is about those hours location in the day ,most of events in your daily life happens between 12 PM and 12 AM ,everyday when I am leaving work in the middle of the night I feel so drained ,not exhausted but drained ,you have a very limited options when you think abutsomething to do or a place to go after midnight except at the weekends (Thursday nights & Friday Nights) and those are working days now! ,beside that even if you are not feeling physically or mentally exhausted you would still be needing to rest ,worse than that is my inability to take a break! ,yes I can't take a brek in the known terms of break ,as I said I am head of the News Department and I have to be available there 12 hours in the 12 hours ,the maximum duration permitted for the inactivity is 15-2o minutes ,and I have staff shortage in the News Department ,that's also resulted in their refusal to the idea I suggested which is taking the Shifts based system into consideration ,but I have got a promise from my manager that in late next January the working hours will be reduced and the Shifts system will be implemented ,I am trying to be patient ,but working (continuous)twelve or thirteen hours per day is not an easy thing ,it simply affected every other thing I am doing in life ,I couldn't read ,write or even watch movies ,and ofcourse I stopped blogging ,I am not sad or anything ,actually I feel good but this working hours matter is maddening ,I think I'll have to wait and see ,and to be frank with you ,I am still job hunting!
The company where I work is originally specialized in the Construction & Contracts field ,it's based here in Alexandria with some business to be run from the U.S where the Egyptian American owner lives there and spends some time in Alexandria regulary during the year ,but I am not working on these activities field ,I work in a sub project which the company is executing as a new business field ,we ae developing a Website dedicated to financial services & consulting ,most of the services we offer is aimed towards the American market since a big portion of our services is related to the Stock Markets in the U.S and aims to give investors more insight about what's going on and helping them to take the right investing decisions ,one of the many services offered on the Website is the Live News service ,we are continuously updating the web site with the latest news received from different sources ,both official sources and insider ones ,my Job title is Website assistant Manager & at the same time I am Head of the news department ,meaning that I have to supervise both of the news flowing ,editing ,publishing and the Website's operations in general ,there's no Websecurity Admin or something like that yet ,they didn't think about that yet and they depend on the fact that the Website is not hosted on our servers so they leave the security sides to the hosting company ,but I am voluntarily overlooking all the LAN/Website security issues.
I am enjoying this job ,this sub business is relatively new to the company and their hierarchy is still not 100% detailed or clear ,a lot of people comes and go and there's still other departments to be formed soon to relive some duties from the current staff ,I only have one problem with my job ,which is the Working hours ,I work twelve hours per day ,this in itself maybe not a big problem in other cases but in my case it maybe ,the working hours is from 12 PM-12 AM every day ,Monday to Friday ,Saturday from 11 AM-6 PM and Sunday is OFF ,you may wonder why is this strange schedule but as I told you we are related to the working days of the American Stock Market.
I had a very hard time since I joined the company to get used to that ,my problem is not in the 12 hours durartion itself ,my bigger problem is about those hours location in the day ,most of events in your daily life happens between 12 PM and 12 AM ,everyday when I am leaving work in the middle of the night I feel so drained ,not exhausted but drained ,you have a very limited options when you think abutsomething to do or a place to go after midnight except at the weekends (Thursday nights & Friday Nights) and those are working days now! ,beside that even if you are not feeling physically or mentally exhausted you would still be needing to rest ,worse than that is my inability to take a break! ,yes I can't take a brek in the known terms of break ,as I said I am head of the News Department and I have to be available there 12 hours in the 12 hours ,the maximum duration permitted for the inactivity is 15-2o minutes ,and I have staff shortage in the News Department ,that's also resulted in their refusal to the idea I suggested which is taking the Shifts based system into consideration ,but I have got a promise from my manager that in late next January the working hours will be reduced and the Shifts system will be implemented ,I am trying to be patient ,but working (continuous)twelve or thirteen hours per day is not an easy thing ,it simply affected every other thing I am doing in life ,I couldn't read ,write or even watch movies ,and ofcourse I stopped blogging ,I am not sad or anything ,actually I feel good but this working hours matter is maddening ,I think I'll have to wait and see ,and to be frank with you ,I am still job hunting!
At 8:00 PM,
change destiny said…
Well , you are not the only one feeling blue and exhausted these days .
It sure sounds exhausting but i bet it's worth it . Keep on searching for a better job , but don't let go of your current job til you've got the other in your hands.
Good to see you back posting :)
At 9:48 PM,
Rain said…
God!! that's so tiring..and I was wondering what u are busy with ..u had each right not to blog... u hardly have time to sleep.
God be with u really..and good luck in your job hunting :)
At 12:57 AM,
Me said…
besara7a I would also still be job hunting if I were in your shoes ya Night...
Good luck whatever you do... Rabena m3ak...
At 1:57 AM,
Just Jane said…
It sounds like this job schedule is perhaps causing havoc with your body's natural biological rhythms. And it must be so difficult to do anything social when your schedule is so odd. Good luck job hunting.
At 2:03 AM,
tota said…
This is quite interesting Night, it's not related to Mechanical Engineering though.
well i think it's the common case in engineering jobs, a total Consumption of ur day, wish they will apply the shift system soon, sometimes the word yes we will do takes months.
good Hunting ISA
At 3:07 AM,
Alina said…
Your shifts seem quite demanding, Night. But if you like what you're doing, it will make them easier on you!
At 11:37 AM,
Nesrina said…
Hi Nightlegend,
Look, I am sure you will be rewarded for the hard and exhausting work u do, and you know it's good that you are still job haunting as a back up plan but at the same time try to make the best out of the one you have, make it a beneficial experience and bear in mind it's not going to last forever, you are building your career and if this job is now taking all your time, u r doing that to make a better future... u r young and u r learning from each experience and the more effort u exert will enhance your capabilities, tolerance, ability to work for long hours and after pressure.
It's adding to you ... so just be patient and god will grant you what you want isA.
All the best of luck,
At 10:38 PM,
MoonLightShadow said…
Night, reading about your 12 working hours made me thank God for my job :D
And I thought work is taking my time!! LOL..
Good luck job hunting, and try to enjoy your current job as well :)
At 12:13 PM,
Sekhmet said…
انا حاسة جدا اللى انت كاتبة لانى ببساطة كانت عندى نفس المشكلة فى الشغل شغلى كان عبارة عن شفتات و انا كنت باشتغل من 1 الى 10 يمكن ميكنش نفس عدد السعات اللى انت بتشتغلها بس قريب منها و كانت الاجازة الاسبوعية يوم الاتنين و كنت ديما اقول انى باخد اجازة مع اخواتى الحلاقين طبعا مكنتش باشوف اصحابى و ولا باخرج معهاهم الا بطلوع الروح لان مواعيدى مش مناسبة ليهم بس عارف اية احسن ماكان فى موضوع المواعيد دى انى كانت عندى القدرة انى ادور على شغل من غير تاثير على سعات شغلى الاساسية و انت ممكن تكون حاسس بالموضوع دة بردة انا عارفة احساسك كويس بس فى النهاية ممكن جدا الجدول يتم تعديلة زى ما مديرك قال او تتحل بانك تلاقى شغل احسن متستسلمش حاول تتمتع بالوقت الباقى من اليوم ايا كان الوقت دة امتى
فى النهاية اسلوبك جميل و نجح انه يخلينى مااحسش بالغربة اللى بحسها لما اقراء بلغة غير لغتى و عندى رجاء ليه متحاولش تتكتب بالعربى
At 4:00 PM,
خجل said…
ليه كاتب كتيييييير احنا ف امتحانات مش حنلحق نخلص قراءه ..او حنشيل مواد يا صديقي احرص ع مصلحتنا
At 8:02 PM,
Libyan Violet said…
Hello Night. Thank you for the lovely words of encouragement. I am a blog jockey but I'm glad to find that there are so many blogs out there to sample including yours.
Your job though interesting sounds hectic, I'm stuck in a similar situation but I decided to stop giving them my precious time and start job hunting for something more rewarding. Keep up the good work and don't loose courage. I'm going to read your archive now to get to know you better.
At 12:43 AM,
Lasto-adri *Blue* said…
أنا مع خجل فى حتتة ح نشيل إمتحانات
رافة بالمواطن مطحون إمتحانت يا حضرات.. وعقبال ما نكتب عن الشغل اللى لقيناه.. قول آمين
At 4:47 PM,
Hanouma said…
صديقي الاسكندراني( وبالمناسبة أنا عاشقة للاسكندرية خاصة في اليومين دول) ولو انك طبعا مش مستمتع بيهم.
من خبرتي في الحياة مفيش حاجة بتخسر يعني اللي انت بتعمله ده هيكسبك خبرات هتحس بيها في يوم من الايام خاصة ان ده السن اللي تشتغل فيه كل الساعات دي.
انا سعيدة كمان ان فيه شباب مسئول كده لاني كنت في سنك باشتغل كده لكن دلوقتي للأسف باشوف شباب أصغر مني في الشركة همهم يلعبوا ويقضوا وقت ظريف وبس وده بيزعلني لأننا كده عمرنا ما هنتقدم.
Keep On & Good Luck
والحاجات اللي ستشتكي انك مش عارف تعملها هتعرف تلاقيلها وقت لما الحياة تبقى أفضل.
المشكلة لو عندك حبيبة او زوجة هي اللي هتتطفش ولو معندكش يبقى احسن برضه.
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