Alexandrian Nights

Friday, November 18, 2005


I was sitting Yesterday at Beanos Cafe' drinking Steamer and watching our national football team on TV being defeated as usual when encountering a strong rival ,suddenly I looked around to realize that the most of the crowd sitting in the Cafe were college students and almost all of them were studying & preparing for their Mid Term exams ,discussing topics ,reviewing research papers and even two groups were sitting with Laptops extended and were rehearsing their projects presentations ,a very live scientific environment!

That got me back in memory to college days when were always under endless pressure of projects ,researches & mid term exams ,most of the other college's has one mid term exams per semester but my college has two ,one in the 7th week and the other in 12th week ,most of those were accompanied by projects and researches required to be completed in a specific deadline. I started to replay some moments in my memory ,how I suddenly discovered that JAVA is my favorite programming language ,how I stood staring to that big crowd of Professors ,teaching assistants & students while trying to start my graduation project's presentation ,who were the most likeable professor and who was the most despised one ,how we always were dreaming about the day when all of this endless loop will be over thinking that we will feel more relieved and that in five years we will be in the top of IT world ,almost all of that I am still longing to college days ,it was good days and good days never return when it's gone. When I finished with my memories I looked to the TV screen and the match's referee was announcing the end of the match with result (Egypt 1-Tunisia 2)!!


  • At 12:08 PM, Blogger MoonLightShadow said…

    I didn't love my college days nor did I hate them. I was living in the endless loop wishing to be released soon. Thinking that by graduating I'll be out of it. But it's not right. For every stage, it has it's own pleasures and drawbacks. The key is to enjoy the pleasures and the drawbacks. Enjoy the projects, the exams, and the stress.

    I know that when we are inside the thing we can't look at the full picture. We realize that only when we are out of it.

    Enjoy every moment, and make the best out of it.

  • At 5:47 PM, Blogger Alina said…

    I am still leaving that! Preparing for a final exam, getting projects and papers done, working on the side and trying to make time for a private life. But I sometimes believe that I would feel miserable with more spare time. I got so used to always having something pending, that I'm not sure I'd know what to do with all that time.

  • At 8:37 PM, Blogger Wonderer said…

    The university years were the best 4 years of my life. I still remember my friends, my teachers, the assignments ... even the cafeteria guy:)

  • At 10:23 PM, Blogger Rain said…

    I no longer wish to be a student , like Moon said each stage has its beauty,going back again won't feel the same as the first time (which wasn't a pleasure btw :P)
    I only miss the ppl , the group the gatherings, the special moments we had... that's it.

    Actually I have better memories for school rather than college.

    After graduation I feel more free to choose the path I want in life and that's something I like :)

    P.S : Thanks Night for the nice gesture :) , I'll be back soon isA.

  • At 3:23 AM, Blogger m0tasim said…

    ots so good to see many people missing thier college days and actually wishing to return those old days..well my college days were actually a mixture of confusions, unintentioned successes, accidental promotions, unexplained hates and loves, a great number of shuffled friends. i actually found out almost all the friends i had in college wanted nothing but just a partner in whatever shit was undergone.. after that was 'wooosh' disappear.. that is if not actually stabbing your back with that good old rusted dagger.
    anyhow, i guess not many have had similar days as mine.. but to be honest, even though they sound like a hell of a time, but i do miss them..

  • At 12:35 PM, Blogger Nesrina said…

    Hi Nightlegend,

    That happens to me a lot, remembering college days, I have graduated 6 years ago but I still remember every single detail,we used to have 4 exams a year too. but even the pressure and the stress was enjoyable.
    But this is life, everything changes...
    Thank you for bringing back the beautiful memories to me.

    All the best,

  • At 2:26 PM, Blogger LouLou said…


    I miss college. Big-time. Wrote a post about it back in June. Since then things have improved at work & I am enjoying my job more now el7amdullilah. But still I have this dream of going back to college one day.

    Sorry about your national team losing. Better luck next time. Good for you though that you don't have an epileptic fit over your team losing in football like my father & brothers & husband & just about every other man I know.

  • At 4:43 PM, Blogger Ghada said…

    I will NEVER miss those days....

  • At 4:51 PM, Blogger Sharks said…

    hehe...i do love my college days...inspite of all the stress it was a careless period...n' i meet my best friends there...we were some crazy wild gang hated by many ppl the way i discovered how much i hate programming with C++...

  • At 11:50 PM, Blogger tota said…

    These things just roll me back, sometimes i go for a place & i find it crowded with my old colleague; it makes me feel as if i'm wandering inside my faculty.

    U had a delicate memories collapsed with something which will remain a bad memory which may have a relation to these things u remembered in that coffee
    but i think this result (Egypt 1-Tunisia 2)!!
    is a memory you will not like to remember :)

  • At 9:34 AM, Blogger Nightlegend said…

    moonlight:you are right about not getting the whole picture when are inside something and only get it after getting out.

    jade:that's great to hear

    Kayla:may be you can feel up your spare time with your hobbies or something ,but you will never know until you have really a spare time!

    wonderer:hope that you will write more details about it in your blog.

    rain:sometimes we miss the people involved in something more than the (something) itself.

    m0tasim:thanks for sharing some brief details about your old days.

    message:Thanks alot for your first visit to my blog.

    loulou:I will try to read your post soon ,and I didn't feel much sorry cause they deserved the losing.
    BTW Morooco & Egypt will play against eachother next January in the African Federations Cup held here in Egypt.


    sharks:you still see your old gang to day?

    tota:don't worry I wasn't that bothered at all about the match and the Joy I felt from my memories overlooked any other thing at the moment.

  • At 9:45 AM, Blogger Sharks said…

    sure i do we r best friends...n' i love it when ppl. see that we r still together...cus most of the others back stabed each other n' broke up at the end...of course we shrank in quantity...but we r cool!...

  • At 11:16 AM, Blogger Nesrina said…


    It wasn't my first visit to your blog, I am not good at commenting but I do enjoy reading your blog.

    All the best,

  • At 2:16 AM, Blogger Me said…

    Oh ... memories.. I enjoyed my days at college el7amdulilah... with all the ups and downs... good days gone... and better days to come inshAllah :-)

  • At 2:00 AM, Blogger change destiny said…

    Hey i was in grand caesar watching that match with a group of friends too . Well , i enjoyed last year in college . Not enjoying this one much though .

  • At 2:26 PM, Blogger Nightlegend said…

    sharks:that's great to hear

    message:then I should have said(Thank you for your first comment)...LOL

    me:insha2alah better days indeed to come

    change destiny:so were sitting with only about one kilometer destination from each other!


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