Thoughts about Bloggers
I have noticed something ,most of the Egyptian bloggers I have encountered(And other nationalities as well)are females ,I have checked my broweser's favourites and mostly 85% of the blogs links there belongs to females ,is it because girls likes to write more? ,do they like to express themselves in an open and free space that permits the free expression of ideas ,feelings and thoughts when this is not allowed 100% in the society we live in?
Another notice ,most of the Egyptian bloggers are from:Cairo in the first place and then Alexandria second ,there's a very small numbers of people from Mansoura &Zakazik and that's it! ,I have not seen anyone from cities like Tanta ,Ismailiya ,Aswan or other cities ,why is that? ,There's alot of people using Internet in Egypt even in the small and desert areas ,are they not concerned about blogging? ,does any one belong to or knows any one from any other city than the ones mentioned above?
Another notice ,most of the Egyptian bloggers are from:Cairo in the first place and then Alexandria second ,there's a very small numbers of people from Mansoura &Zakazik and that's it! ,I have not seen anyone from cities like Tanta ,Ismailiya ,Aswan or other cities ,why is that? ,There's alot of people using Internet in Egypt even in the small and desert areas ,are they not concerned about blogging? ,does any one belong to or knows any one from any other city than the ones mentioned above?
At 9:46 AM,
ibn_abdel_aziz said…
ملاحظات هامة جدا
مش عارف الصراحة ليه ؟
البنات مدوناتهم اكثر؟
يمكن عشان مجدش بيسمعهم في الحقيقة ولا بيهتم بمشاكلهم
اما ليه القاهرة واسكندرية اكثر من غيرها؟
قد يكون فقط لانها اكبر تجمعين سكانيين في مصر
وبالتالي هي نسبة وتناسب
واللا ايه رايكم؟؟
At 11:11 AM,
Mohamed Jadelrab said…
انت متأكد إنك دورت كويس؟
أنا من طنطا وبدون من شهر يوليو اللي فات
عنوان مدونتي هنا
ديوان أبو يوسف
فأهلا بك في مدونتي وأهلا بك في طنطا .. وابقى دور كويس بعد كده
At 11:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Olá amizade. Mem chamo Ernísio Martines Dias. sou um cara calmo, boadacaco, mas de repente posso ficar agressivo se vejo que não to conseguindo o que quero. Sei que sou mau caráter, desonesto, sem escrúpulos, que só penso em ganhar dinheiro à custa dos outros, em ter lucro financeiro em tudo, sonegando impostos e enganar as pessoas com minha lábia. Sou tão bom nisso que até eu acredito nas mentiras que invento todo o tempo como se fosse verdade e procuro fazendo coisas por baixo dos panos do modo mais fácil. Será que existe correção para um marginal corrupto? Sabe, além disso, me sinto com 2 faces diferentes, pois quando não estou trampando na VBA, fico frágil, inseguro. no sexo só me resta transar sendo passivo com rapazes por causa da minha impotência sexual. É agonizante! Preciso conversar desabafar, me escreva ta? Meu e-mail é Tenho dores de cabeça, depressão e insônia, mas ainda com alguma esperança de mudar esta minha vida para melhor e conto com a sua ajuda.
At 2:27 PM,
Wonderer said…
"mostly 85% of the blogs links there belongs to females"
I have noticed that too, maybe because men are more pratical (or they claim to be - no offence:))
They think that they will not waste their time writting blogs. Or maybe because women can express themselves better than men do!
At 8:14 PM,
Lasto-adri *Blue* said…
mm.. howa fi 7aga...
in english almost 85% are girls...
in arabic almost 60% are males..
i've noticed that long while ago... and could be.. YES, females want to reach out their words more openly, but still in an in-direct way.. so they escord their selves with english.. while males are more daring to use their native language.. !!!
what you think?!
At 10:46 PM,
MoonLightShadow said…
I guess Blue is right. It's the case with English blogs. However, the percentage of male bloggers writing in Arabic is larger. But I don't have any clue what might be the reason.
BTW, that's a link for a blogger from el fayoum, but he stopped blogging sometime ago.
At 5:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
انطباعي أن مدونات البنات و النساء مش أكتر ولا حاجة لكن بيبقوا أحلي (أو عشان أبقى دقيق مختلفين أكتر).
اللي لاحظته أن المدونين الجامدين الفطاحل ذكور و المدونين اللي بيكتبوا حاجات أدبية و فنية عالية و يلمسوك اناث و يمكن ده اللي مدي احساس أنهم أكتر
في ناس من مدن تانية بس القاهرة فيها تلت سكان مصر و غالبا نسبة أضخم بكتير من مستخدمي أنترنت مصر، و بعدين أنا عندي انطباع أن نسبة كبيرة من المدونين عندهم انترنت سريع في البيت أو في الشغل و ده برضه نسبته في القاهرة هتكون أعلى.
At 2:44 PM,
Nightlegend said…
ibn abdel aziz:شكرا على تعليقك
abouyousif:انا مقلتش انى دورت فى كل البلوجات اللى فى الدنيا,انا قلت البلوجات اللى انا شوفتها
Wonderer:yeah may be.
Lasto adri:It's a good point ,I think I have noticed the same thing ,mostly of the english bloggers are female and vice versa for the arabic blogs ,maybe females are finding it more comfortable writing in english.
Moonlight:Thanks for the link
alaa:نقطة كويسة وشكرا على التعليق بتاعك
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