My comment was deleted!
A few days ago I was visiting a blog of the blogs I check regulary ,it's te3ma's blog ,there were a topic about the first stage play being shown for female's audience in Jeddah city ,she said that there will be a show for women privately and other one for men ,she wasn't opposing that or something .she was agreeing and sort of pleased and kept saying that this is NOT 7aram ...OK ...I agreed with her on this point but she said in the last line (أعتقد أن البديل الشرعي متوفر في جميع المجالات )!!(I think that the islamic alternatives is available for everything)!! ,mmm...that explained to me her feelings about that ,she agreed and were happy for this event but accompanied by her islamic version of separating men from women as it usual in countries like KSA ,I said in my comment something like the following(Is that the islamic alternative solution? ,why they separate men from women during the play? ,for how long a society like saudian society will stay primal like that?) ,sorry I can't remember the exact words cause my comment were deleted by her ,but in arabic I remember calling the saudi society by(مجتمع متخلف) ,and I think that's what made her delete my post ,I do insist on my words ,I have lived more than 10 years in KSA and most of those years were the most bad years in my life ,I know what I am talking about and I will keep saying that till they change their stupid systems and rules ,I have many stories to prove my theory but this is not the time for that.
Anyway just a few minuets ago I was visiting her blog only to be surprised(and shocked) to find out that my comment were deleted ,I was very angry of her ,I haven't offended her ,I just criticized the saudi society and the saudi people are the first ones to do so ,so why delete my comment? ,I am so frusterated cause that never happened to me before and I have never done it to anyone whatever he/she says beside that I haven't talked about her personally ,why she took it on her own?
I wrote another comment there and told her clearly that this will be my last comment there .I have never withdrawn from any place or situation in my life but this is different ,I can't make a conversation with someone who doesn't respect opinions difference ,I told her I am QUITTING her blog ,I hope she doesn't delete this comment as well!
Anyway just a few minuets ago I was visiting her blog only to be surprised(and shocked) to find out that my comment were deleted ,I was very angry of her ,I haven't offended her ,I just criticized the saudi society and the saudi people are the first ones to do so ,so why delete my comment? ,I am so frusterated cause that never happened to me before and I have never done it to anyone whatever he/she says beside that I haven't talked about her personally ,why she took it on her own?
I wrote another comment there and told her clearly that this will be my last comment there .I have never withdrawn from any place or situation in my life but this is different ,I can't make a conversation with someone who doesn't respect opinions difference ,I told her I am QUITTING her blog ,I hope she doesn't delete this comment as well!
At 3:16 PM,
ibn_abdel_aziz said…
رغم اني ضد حذف اي تعليق مهما كان سخيف
وقد اقف في صفك تماما
في ان جزء من تعلم قبول الاخر هو الدفاع عن راي الاخر حتي لو انت مش مقتنع به
كلنا نصنع اشياء احيانا من باب اننا نري وجهات نظر مختلفة في ما هو الخط الاحمر
قد يكون الخط الاحمر لطعمة هو انك شتمت مثلا فحذفت العبارة التي قلتها
ومن الافضل فهم السبب دون اعلان الغضب والقرار بعدم التفاهم
انا معك في اعتراضك
بس متنساش
كلنا نتدرب علي الحرية
فليصبر بعضنا علي بعض
واللا رايك ايه :)
اكرمكم الله
At 6:03 PM,
SaudiEve said…
I agree with "ibn abdel aziz"..
I think "6i3ma" must've deleted the post because you used kilmt "mutakhalif"..which she must've found offensive
I'm totally with you though, on the unIslamic male/female total separation in Saudi Arabia which is causing more problems than it's supposed to be preventing.
At 7:54 AM,
Abu Takla said…
Dear N.L., I have posted the following in her comments section, I hope her reaction won't deter you from expressing your opinions freely:
I have read his comment, and he did not insult anyone, he talked about the society. He said nothing about the individuals, for example I might coinsider the Arab society as "retarded", does that mean my folks are retarded? The social welfare, and its state of progress depends on much more a group of individuals... and in my opinion, most of the arabs recognize, or consider their societies as retarded in one way or the other... and this is a different discussion, but I don't think it should be taken personally.
I bnelieve your reaction sprouts from the fact that you are used to being on the defensive (as a lot of us are) and the fact that, most of the time it is hard for us in the Arab world to accept difference, and we give excuses for our oppression of others. Once it is because the other perosn is vulgar, the otehr it's because he is ignorant, or irresponsible, or a traitor, or atheist, etc... but all these excuses don't change the fact that we are used to oppression and pre-judgements, and I myself am one of thise people, although I try to change.
I think it is the way we are just brought up...
yet we should struggle to change for the better, which, in my opinion is accepting and acknowledging that people think differently, and more often, opposite to what we think.
At 9:04 AM,
خجل said…
مش تزعل..طعمه دي طعمه
At 2:56 PM,
Nightlegend said…
ibn abdel aziz:ماشى كلنا نصبر على بعض بس حذف التعليقات ده شىء غير مقبول اطلاقابالنسبة لى
Saudieve:When I wrote this word I didn't mean to offend her or any other one ,it's just a crticize for the society ,not aimed towrds the people living there.
abu takla:Thanks alot for your valuable opinion ,I hope that all the people in out arab world will get used to thinking in the same way.
خجل:واضح جدا انها طعمة
Jade:Thanks alot ,I am not angry any more.
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