I always wondered how it would be when I would be chatting with a fellow blogger ,sometimes people has differences when it comes to talking directly either online or offline ,for example you may have a favorite writer or a journalist whom you are used to read his/her books or articles regulary and you become used to a certain ego of this person ,when you see the same person talking in a let's say an TV interview or a press conference you may feel shocked a bit ,he/she doesn't seem to have the same mentality/charisma/personality that you thought that this person posses ,many people would seem to you more human when you read their written thoughts or impressions more than talking to them directly ,you feel there's something missing ,something that you always felt when you read what they wrote but wasn't there when you saw or spoke to the same person.
I was fearing that this would be applicable to some of our fellow bloggers here ,and since I never had a chat before with any blogger whom I used to visit & comment on their blogs I didn't have any chance to prove or decline my theories ,I usually put any one in my MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger when their emails are there on their profiles but never met any of the fellow bloggers online,one day I had the great luck of encountering a dear fellow blogger online to ease my doubts a little bit.
My chat mate had the same elegant sense that you will encounter when you read his/her blog ,the blogger was easy to go along with ,very simple ,kind and respectful ,sometimes when you start talking to people online there would be some issues that others call(Coversation's keys) which you have to get a good grip on in order to build a successfull conversation ,in this case I had no hardship at all to do that and the chatting were very enjoyable ,also the strange thing about my chat mate is that I felt I am used to chatting with him/her for a very long time although this was definitely the first every conversation ,I really enjoyed it the same as I always enjoyed reading his/her blog ,and it proved to me that great blogs has a great people behind them! ,I hope that I will have more chances in the near future to either prove or decline my theories ,and in the end I wish to thank Kayla Vincent for giving me this great chance!
I was fearing that this would be applicable to some of our fellow bloggers here ,and since I never had a chat before with any blogger whom I used to visit & comment on their blogs I didn't have any chance to prove or decline my theories ,I usually put any one in my MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger when their emails are there on their profiles but never met any of the fellow bloggers online,one day I had the great luck of encountering a dear fellow blogger online to ease my doubts a little bit.
My chat mate had the same elegant sense that you will encounter when you read his/her blog ,the blogger was easy to go along with ,very simple ,kind and respectful ,sometimes when you start talking to people online there would be some issues that others call(Coversation's keys) which you have to get a good grip on in order to build a successfull conversation ,in this case I had no hardship at all to do that and the chatting were very enjoyable ,also the strange thing about my chat mate is that I felt I am used to chatting with him/her for a very long time although this was definitely the first every conversation ,I really enjoyed it the same as I always enjoyed reading his/her blog ,and it proved to me that great blogs has a great people behind them! ,I hope that I will have more chances in the near future to either prove or decline my theories ,and in the end I wish to thank Kayla Vincent for giving me this great chance!
At 4:32 PM,
Alina said…
Nightlegend, this post of yours was really moving! It was indeed great chatting with you, but this is what I always expect from those whose blogs I read. And until now I have never been disappointed. I had these nice encounters with 3 fellow bloggers, you included, so I guess I kind of took it for granted. Before reading this post, I never realized it could be different, although it really could have been disappointing.
Thank you for all the kind words, Night!
At 8:27 PM,
Rain said…
I think blogging is almost like chatting .
Blogs reveal more about one's real thoughts and ideas , cause when u write it's to urself as a first place sort of expressing urself.
But when chatting after knowing a person (blogs or real) then it's very meaningful :)
At 9:52 PM,
change destiny said…
Sounds like fun . But too risky . what if you didn't like the person . I don't know . I'd rather not meet you and keep on liking you than meet you and stop liking you .. :)
At 11:03 PM,
~Daydreamer~ said…
Things to do today:
Add dear Kayla to my Yahoo! messenger.
Approve Ahmed's request of adding me.
At 10:52 PM,
Lasto-adri *Blue* said…
e7m e7m.. if i may interfere..
but i always like one face for something. i mean bloggers can't be chatters for me..
though it might work the opposite for me, as chatters turn into bloggers :)
the same is applied to my radio friends as well :)
At 5:06 AM,
Just Jane said…
I've never had the opportunity to chat, speak, or meet with another blogger but am intrigued by the possibility. I find it to be a brave step towards putting a voice or personality with the written words. Glad that you had such a positive experience.
At 11:14 AM,
HERA said…
البوست عجبنى أوى
وعاجبنى الموضوع ..بس الصورة اللى بنكونها عن اللى بنقرالهم من غير مانشوفهم واللى غالباً مابتكون مختلفه تماما عن الواقع بسبب الخيال
الخيال بيفرض عليك تكوين صورة معينة للشخص ده أو ستايل معين و بالتالى بتدور فى الذاكرة على أى شبيه ليه
ولما بتعجب بيه بتشوف كل حاجه فيه جميله وعظيمه ولأنه شخص عظيم مينفعش يبقى شكله وحش وللا تخين أوى وأصلع مثلاً
الخيال بيصنع صورة أقرب للكمال
أما بالنسبه لقراية البوست بتاعك والتعليق انا قلت أستعد وأجيب القاموس وأدى قعدة
لكن أسلوبك بسيط وساهل ومحتجتش لقواميس بس مقدرتش بقى أعلق أنجلش
أنا رغاية أوى مش كده؟
At 2:17 PM,
Nightlegend said…
Kayla:Thanks alot for your kind words.
rain:you are right ,actually I think that blogging is some kind of slow-motion chatting ,but to be frank with you ,70% of the chatters I have met during my life doesn't have the same mentality ,itelligence & humanity you find in 95% of the bloggers!
change destiny:I think knowing the truth will be more appropriate than hiding away from it and staying most of your life wondering(what would have happened if I tried?)
daydreamer:and Ahmed send you his greetings...LOL!
lasto adri:Ofcourse you are always and forever welcome to interfere!
Why can't they become any of the other? ,they are human beings always!
jane:Thanks and hope that you will have a similar experience soon.
hera:ميرسى جدا على الكلام الجميل ده,انشاء الله قريب جدا هعمل بلوج عربى يبقى جمب ده,انا بس كل مشكلتى فى العربى هى ان سرعة كتابة العربى على الكىبورد بالنسبالى تقريبا ربع سرعة الانجليزى!
اسلوبك جميل جدا فى التعليق وانتى مش رغاية ولا حاجة ,ياريتك كنتى كتبتى اكتر!
At 6:52 PM,
tota said…
Kayla Is really such a sweet person :)
u said ya Night most of these thoughts in my mind about her really
but for me i prefer blogging than chatting ...
At 2:36 AM,
Rain said…
70% of the chatters I have met during my life doesn't have the same mentality ,itelligence & humanity you find in 95% of the bloggers!
Yeah tell me about it!! that's why i'd rather chat with someone I already know.
And as for the bloggers.. u r absolutely rigt, my head is going crazy from all the blogs I read and discover everyday :D I can't stop myself..I'm addicted...most of them very special.
At 7:41 PM,
shortcut said…
nigthlegend seems to be so sensible so you can feel & know the personnality of the (المتحدث)i think it depends on the honnesty in conversation.
in each blog u ll feel the personnalty of each person
thx for aprochaing the blogs which talks about our feelings
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